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Mentoring and Feedback

Mentoring is provided at every level of the Firm, but it is particularly important for summer associates.

Each summer associate is assigned an associate and a partner mentor, each of whom will provide regular guidance throughout the summer associate’s time at the Firm. The pairings may be based on a school tie, common background or interest, or a special connection made during the interview process. Partner mentors are not only available to talk and advise, but also often work directly with their mentees.

More than anything, it’s the give-and-take of daily work that affords the most rewarding mentoring opportunities. All Simpson Thacher lawyers assume a responsibility to engage our summer associates and thus contribute to an invaluable learning experience. Both socially and professionally, we seek to build a dynamic mix of lawyers across our practices.

"All of my supervisors and mentors were patient and attentive, ensuring I had the knowledge and tools to complete my assignments."

"I was also able to work with so many attorneys who have taken the time to teach, mentor, and give helpful feedback."

"Informal mentoring happens every step of the way. As an example, one associate spent two hours explaining documents to a few other summer associates and me while working on a deal to make sure we understood how our work would fit into the overall deal structure."

"A culture of teaching and mentorship runs deep at STB -- I’ve come to work every day confident that the attorneys here are invested in my development and success."

The review process for summer associates mirrors what we use with all associates, offering prompt, specific feedback and reviews. Supervising lawyers offer verbal work assessments both during assignments and at their completion. Thereafter, supervising lawyers complete a written evaluation, and a Recruiting Committee partner meets with each summer associate at mid-summer and again at the end of the program. We understand, and even expect, that many summer associates will be experiencing a professional setting for the first extended period of time. As a result, “real-time” feedback, guidance and mentoring are critical.

We also seek input from our summer associates on ways to improve the quality of the summer experience. Our partners and associates pride themselves on maintaining an open door policy.